Saturday, March 20, 2010

Honey, We're Home!

Okay, so maybe not yet. But we are getting close! We have lived in our new home for about a month now and are about eighty percent moved in. Bella's nursery is complete and it is everything we dreamed it would be! Plenty of pink, frilly fun! Of course, finishing her room took priority over unpacking the treadmill and weights...and over setting up a nice, organized homework space...and plenty of other more practical things, but it was definitely worth it!

We are also beginning a couples' life group that we're very excited about! With so many friends that follow the same faith as we do, and so little time to spend with them, it will give everyone a chance for some much-needed fellowship every week, along with some bible-based direction in life. Who can't use a little more of either of those? Hopefully, a lot of people! It will be on Sundays from 3 to 5 pm at our house.

I (Beth) am also beginning a women's faith group that will meet at our house on Thursdays from 7 to 9 pm! I think women today are bombarded by society's ideals of what a beautiful, successful woman is, but these ideals are not necessarily God's. It is important that women embrace one another's differences and move forth confidently in the direction of God's will for our lives, no matter what the world may think! :)

Speaking of moving forth confidently, Bella is well on her way to growing up on us! She is being a ton of fun right now! At six months old, she is easily sitting upright now, though she hates being on her belly so she can't get to the sitting up position on her own. She has the cutest little raspy voice when she talks and laughs! She is also beginning to eat her veggies three times a day. Sweet potatoes are by far her favorite vegetable, with her least favorite being green peas (followed VERY closely by green beans!) However, carrots are OUR least favorite. They stain worse than any wine, ink, or poop ever created. They even stain skin. Considering that normal pureed carrots do not have this ability, I find myself wondering how healthy these particular carrots could possibly be...

Anyway, we are doing very well and staying very busy (which has never been too hard for us)!

God bless!

*"As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord."*
- Joshua 24:15


  1. Beth! I am so excited you have a blog! It will be so fun to be able to keep up with you guys and read about how baby bella is growing up! So exciting :)

    I'm so glad everything is going well for you - you should put some pictures up of her nursery :)


    p.s. i have a blog too! it's (if you're interested, no pressure or anything lol!)
